What is the McCloud Remedy (and why is it important to police officers)?
The McCloud Remedy is all about pensions, dates and has some pretty big implications for certain serving
and retired police officers.
Age discrimination challenged in the Court of Appeal (and won)
In 2015 a new pension scheme PPS 15 was introduced across the MPS. However, the government decided that some older officers could stay within their ‘old’ pension schemes. Why? So, the pension changes didn’t interfere with any retirement plans they had. This decision to treat older officers differently was challenged in the Court of Appeal as age discrimination and successfully won in December 2018.
The Remedy – a government ruling to ‘turn back the clock’ by 7 years’
The Court ruling also said that officers who had been in the older pension schemes (PPS 87 and NPPS 06) up to 1st April 2015 MUST automatically be placed back into their old schemes until 31st March 2022 – ‘as though the pension changes 7 years before didn’t happen’.
And they set a date for this to happen – 1st October 2023.
Does the McCloud Remedy affect me?
This is a quick check to see whether the remedy applies to you.
About Police Pension Schemes
What is PPS 87?
What is NPPS 06?
What is PPS 15?
Find out what the McCloud Remedy means for you and your pension
- Are you a Former Officer? - Click here to find out more
- Are you a Retired Officer? - Click here to find out more